Located at 69 Blue Pool Road, our studio is at the heart of Happy Valley, just 5-minutes away from Causeway Bay MTR. Parents can wait for their children in a relaxing and spacious area, while children can enjoy our collection of toys and books before and after class. The studio’s abundant natural light creates a serene atmosphere, and our harlequin dance floor provides an ideal surface for our students to dance. Additionally, there are many nearby cafes and restaurants for parents to explore while their children are in class.
探索我們的跑馬地校舍:我們的校舍位於藍塘道 69 號,地處跑馬地中心地帶,距離銅鑼灣地鐵站僅 5 分鐘路程。家長可以在輕鬆寬敞的大堂等待孩子,孩子們則可以在課前和課後享受我們提供的玩具和書籍。工作室內充足的自然光線營造出寧靜的氛圍,而我們的校舍亦為我們的學生提供了理想的舞蹈場地。此外,附近還有許多咖啡館和餐館,供家長在孩子上課時探索。
Studio 789 | +852 5309 0282 | +852 2286 0820
69 Blue Pool Road | Happy Valley | Hong Kong